Festive Frenzy: Building the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck

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The Best Santa Hog Rider Deck: A Winning Strategy for Clash Royale

Clash Royale, the popular mobile game developed by Supercell, has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. With its dynamic gameplay and strategic battles, Clash Royale has become a global phenomenon. One of the most beloved and potent strategies in the game is the Santa Hog Rider Deck. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this powerful deck and explore why it stands out among the rest.

Introduction to the Santa Hog Rider Deck

The Santa Hog Rider Deck is a unique combination of cards designed to overwhelm opponents with relentless attacks and surprise tactics. The key cards in this deck are the Hog Rider, Santa’s Surprise, Musketeer, and Tombstone. Together, they create a synergy that can overpower even the most skilled adversaries.

How Does the Santa Hog Rider Deck Work?

The main objective of the Santa Hog Rider Deck is to use the Hog Rider as the primary win condition. The Hog Rider is a fast and powerful troop that targets enemy buildings. It can quickly reach and damage the opponent’s Crown Towers, making it an excellent offensive card to build your strategy around.

Supporting the Hog Rider are the Musketeer and the Tombstone. The Musketeer is a reliable ranged unit that provides additional firepower from behind. With her high damage output, she can take out enemy troops and buildings, protecting the Hog Rider on his way to victory. Meanwhile, the Tombstone acts as a defensive structure that distracts and slows down enemy troops. It can be used strategically to lure opponents into a trap or buy some precious time to counter their attacks.

However, what sets the Santa Hog Rider Deck apart is the Santa’s Surprise spell. This spell, available exclusively during the holiday season, has a unique effect when used with the Hog Rider. When the Hog Rider reaches a Crown Tower while Santa’s Surprise is active, a group of Hog-riding Santa Clauses will descend from the sky, dealing area damage to surrounding enemy troops and structures. This surprise attack can catch opponents off guard and turn the tides of battle.

Tips and Strategies for the Santa Hog Rider Deck

To make the most out of the Santa Hog Rider Deck, mastering a few key strategies is crucial. Here are some tips to help you achieve victory:

1. Surprise Attacks: The key to success with the Santa Hog Rider Deck is catching your opponents off guard. Use the element of surprise by activating Santa’s Surprise at the right time. When your Hog Rider is about to reach the enemy Crown Tower, use the spell to summon the Hog-riding Santa Clauses and deal additional damage.

2. Defensive Tactics: While the Hog Rider spearheads your offensive moves, don’t neglect defense. The Tombstone is an excellent defensive structure. Place it strategically to lure opponents into your traps and buy time for your troops to counter-attack. The Musketeer can also serve as a defensive unit, quickly eliminating enemy troops with her sharpshooting skills.

3. Elixir Management: Properly managing your elixir is crucial in Clash Royale. The Santa Hog Rider Deck is relatively elixir-heavy due to the presence of multiple high-cost cards. Plan your moves wisely and conserve elixir when necessary. Patience is key in executing successful plays.

4. Constant Pressure: The Santa Hog Rider Deck thrives on constant pressure. Keep the pressure on your opponents by relentlessly launching attacks with the Hog Rider. Create a cycle of attacks, forcing your opponents to allocate resources to defense rather than executing their strategies.


The Santa Hog Rider Deck is a unique and exciting strategy in Clash Royale. Combining the power of the Hog Rider with surprise attacks from Santa’s Surprise, this deck offers a thrilling and formidable gameplay experience. Mastering the Santa Hog Rider Deck requires a keen understanding of its strengths and careful execution of strategies. So, gather your troops, prepare for battle, and unleash the power of Santa in Clash Royale!

FAQs for the topic Best Santa Hog Rider Deck

What is the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck?

The Best Santa Hog Rider Deck is a powerful Clash Royale deck that utilizes the Hog Rider and the Santa Spell in combination to dominate opponents. It focuses on a fast-paced playstyle and quick offensive pushes.

How do I build a Best Santa Hog Rider Deck?

To build a Best Santa Hog Rider Deck, you should include the Hog Rider as your win condition and the Santa Spell to provide additional support. Complement them with strong defensive cards like the Inferno Dragon or Mini P.E.K.K.A and utility cards like the Log or Tornado. Ensure a good balance between offense and defense for optimal results.

What are the key strategy tips for playing the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck?

Some key strategy tips for playing the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck are: Always have elixir advantage before attacking, make positive elixir trades by countering your opponent’s cards efficiently, use the Santa Spell to surprise your opponent and catch them off guard, and focus on defending and counter-attacking when necessary.

Which cards work well with the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck?

Some cards that work well with the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck are: Ice Spirit, Musketeer, Inferno Dragon, Mini P.E.K.K.A, The Log, Tornado, and Guards. These cards provide various support and defensive options that complement the offensive power of the Hog Rider and Santa Spell.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck?

Some common mistakes to avoid when using the Best Santa Hog Rider Deck are: Overcommitting on offense and leaving yourself vulnerable to counter-attacks, not managing your elixir effectively, using the Santa Spell at the wrong time or on the wrong targets, and neglecting proper defensive play.